Our Newsletter

EMFS members receive an informative newsletter by email, 2 to 3 times a year and we welcome contributions from our members.

In addition to this anyone can subscribe to our Friends emailing list to receive email updates about early music events throughout the year.

To subscribe (or unsubscribe), enter your email address in the box to the right. below.

To contribute to the newsletter, or share information about a forthcoming early music event that you would like circulated to the mailing list please contact invalid position ID or position not set to Public access

Below is are links to the current and previous issues.
EMFS News Issue 18 June 2022

EMFS News Issue 17 March 2022

EMFS News Issue 16 Dec 2021

EMFS News Issue 15 Sept 2021

EMFS News Issue 14 June 2021

EMFS News Issue 13 March 2021

EMFS News Issue 12 Nov 2020

EMFS News Issue 11 May 2020 Part 1

EMFS News Issue 11 May 2020 Part 2

EMFS News Issue 10 Feb 2020

EMFS News Issue 9

EMFS News Issue 8
Brought to you by Making Music
Copyright © 2024 Early Music Forum of Scotland